Short Courses




Change Does Not Just Happen

8 hours

Learn to plan change using different strategies, depending on the size of the change and the cultural traits of the organization.
Small Organizations, Small Interventions

6 hours

Because of their small size and strong focus on technology, small organizations need to use very short iterations with a clear ROI.
CMMI® In an OD Framework

4 hours

The CMMI® can be used to guide a continuous process improvement program, as an organizational development framework, making it a tool for TQM.
SCAMPI™ As an OD Intervention

4 hours

Turn your SCAMPI into a positive intervention towards organizational development.
Non Functional Requirements

8 hours

Identifying, capturing, describing and tracing non-functional requirements.
From Lust to Dust: A Product’s Life Cycle

4 hours

Instead of the old division between development and maintenance we introduce a product’s life cycle that makes sense in today’s world of iterative deliveries.
SQA: Technique and Best Practices

8 hours

Define the tools and identify the skills, then share some ingenious ideas others have applied to SQA.
Measurement and Analysis and ML3 of the CMMI®

6 hours

How to build a measurement system that will make you profit every step of the way from ML1 to ML5.
Managing Risk

8 hours

Tools and templates to build together a solid base for your risk management strategies and activities.
Risk Driven Requirements Mgmt

4 hours

Software projects’ risk from the first step: the requirements gathering process.
Managing Inspections and Peer Reviews

4 hours

Build through us the tools to use in peer reviews, walkthroughs and inspections. Use them as soon as you are back in the office.
Risk Driven Testing

8 hours

How to select and build simple yet powerful strategies to increase your testing yield and lower your cost per defect found, saving the project’s time and effort.
The Modern Project Management Primer

4 hours

Based on well known statistical behavior of performance this simple workshop articulates a strategy of “good enough” software that will allow your projects to be on time almost all the time.
Agile Methods, Scrum and the CMMI®

8 hours

Frequently requested as a Scrum kickoff tool this workshop will establish the basic behaviors that will make your scrum projects successful.