
Building Scrums for Agile Organizations

2-3 Day Workshop


This workshop sets the Basic principles of managing software development using agile techniques, in particular Scrum. Using authorized material from famed Ken Schwaber’s class and taught by Certified Scrum Masters, the workshop glosses over the main values of Scrum and lets you exercise the most distinctive tools that build Scrums in organizations.

The workshop describes Scrum first, and then moves on to Scrum activities, roles and functions that are necessary to its success. The role and responsibilities of the Scrum Master are underscored, as a fundamental entity in the Scrum system. The Workshops also develops the parallel between Scrum and CMMI®. Since it is a best practice to implement Scrum using XP (eXtreme Programming), the main tenets of XP are introduced, emphasizing refactoring, that in our view is crucial to a successful implementation of agile practices.

The workshop is hands-on, with every lab helping to ground the concepts in practice.

Learning Objectives

Participants, upon completing the workshop, will be able to:

  • Identify critical organizational values that support the creation of Scrum teams.
  • Distinguish traditional Project values from those required by projects run using Scrum.
  • Describe Scrum participants’ role and mission (Scrum Master, Product Manager and team members).
  • List and understand the sequence of activities in a Scrum.
  • Plan a Scrum.
  • Apply the necessary techniques to organize the Planning Game, Daily Scrums, Scrum Revisions and all other Scrum activities.
  • Know and apply all typical forms to record and analyze the data to gauge progress and predict results.


  1. Scrum: Its origin, definition and philosophy
  2. Scrum activities
  3. Roles and functions of pigs and chicken
  4. Responsibilities of the Scrum Master
  5. Planning a Project with Scrum
  6. Sprint and Backlog
  7. Daily Scrums, norms and constraints
  8. Progress control and continuous evaluation
  9. Velocity and resource burn rate
  10. Release and stabilization Sprint
  11. Putting it all together
  12. Scrum and CMMI®, Scrum and XP


Attendees will receive a bound copy of all slides and exemplar solutions to the exercises. Successful completion will result in presentation of diplomas of attendance by Liveware Inc.

Target Audience and Prerequisites

The workshop targets software engineers and process engineers that are starting their road to Scrum. It is also used as a tool in kicking off a Scrum program at the Project level. Marketing personnel that intends to participate in Scrums as a Product Manager should also be in attendance. The workshop assumes familiarity with software development, software projects, and common concepts of project management.